Wednesday 20 July 2022

Myths on Radiant Floor Heating You Might Have Believed to be True

Radiant floor heating systems provide heat through the flooring by employing a mechanism known as infrared radiation. However, the floor heating system in Ottawa hasn't taken off as well as it should have, even though more and more homeowners prefer it over alternative systems.

Maybe that's because there's still some misunderstanding and apprehension about the idea of in-floor heating. This blog tries to dispel some common misconceptions about floor heating systems.

1 - Heat from radiant floors harms hardwood floors

No, although the wood won't be harmed by floor heating, variations in moisture content will cause the wood to move in a variety of ways. A radiant floor heating system does not create the moisture that damages hardwood floors.

Therefore, radiant heat is not to blame for the cracking of hardwood floors.

2 – It takes a while to warm the house

False. The heat from the radiant floor warms you and the surrounding furniture. Like when you open your blinds, and the sun rushes in, you feel warm right away. 

The term "thermal performance" refers to the warmth you experience from the sun. The thermal efficiency of radiant heat is instantaneous.

3 - It doesn't offer precision control

Wrong. Since they are ideally suited to zoning, radiant floor heating systems provide unprecedented control. 

Zoning enables you to set various temperatures in various rooms as opposed to the traditional approach, which uses a single thermostat to regulate the entire house.

Final thoughts

Contrary to assumptions, the radiant floor heating system is one of the most efficient, versatile, and easy to install systems. If you wish to get radiant floor heating systems in Ottawa, please contact Airzone HVAC Services.

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