Friday 24 December 2021

Five Quick Steps to Clean a Furnace Humidifier

It is the right time to crank up the heat and protect your loved ones against the teeth-tottering chilly cold of Ottawa. This is where a furnace comes in handy. It spreads the warmth (literally!) and keeps your family members cosily warm even if the temperature is extremely cold outside. 

There are many parts that lead to a smooth functioning furnace at all times. One such critical part is the furnace humidifier. 

How to clean a furnace humidifier in Ottawa? 

When a furnace gets damp, it is hard to generate heat. Humidifiers inside the furnace help keep moisture levels high and prevent corrosion on compressor parts. To maintain humidity levels, the furnace humidifier in Ottawa needs to be cleaned regularly. Here are five quick steps: 

1 - The first step of cleaning is to remove dust particles from the exterior surfaces of the humidifier like the top cover, outside frame, temperature gauge and dials.

2 - The first step is to switch off your furnace and expose the humidifier. You can remove it from the furnace or dismantle it from the front cover. 

3 - Now, open all the valves on your humidifier using a flathead screwdriver. 

4 - Pour 1 to 2 cups of vinegar into the water chamber of your furnace humidifier along with a cup of baking soda. This will help you to clean all deposits off your components. 

5 - Now, connect a garden hose into your drain valve and let the mixture flow through for 20 minutes or so under pressure by using a portable compressor or hairdryer.

Stay tuned for more such tips only on Airzone HVAC.

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