Friday 13 August 2021

What Happens When You Avoid Regular Furnace Maintenance

A broken furnace is the last thing you want to deal with when the temperature is dropping below freezing levels. Not only the repair will prove expensive, but you and your family will end up cold and uncomfortable indoors. 

Such emergency furnace calls made to professionals is always the result of avoided furnace maintenance in Ottawa. By not scheduling the annual furnace maintenance upfront, you can experience problems like:

1- Failure to discover hidden issues: You may not notice anything malfunctioning, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any hidden issues lurking. When you call the professionals for routine maintenance, they can reveal problems lurking within the system, therefore taking corrective action before things get out of hand and prove more expensive. 

2- Increased energy bills: Improper maintenance can speed up the wear and tear of the system. This means your HVAC system will start malfunctioning and deteriorating even before it should. The system will end up working harder and inefficiently, resulting in increased cooling costs. With routine maintenance, it becomes easy to clean the unit thoroughly, freeing it from issues that make it work harder, thus significantly reducing the energy cost.

3- Risk of fire: Both furnace and air conditioning units can cause a fire if they aren’t in good shape. Poorly maintained heat pumps, frayed or loose wires in the mechanical or electrical components can all result in fires. 

Over to you

So, avoid skipping the annual furnace maintenance in Ottawa by calling professionals like Airzone HVAC. 

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