Friday 26 March 2021

Common Myths About a Ductless Heat Pump

A Ductless Heat Pump is a type of heating system that works by transferring heat from one place to another; it doesn’t rely on ducts. To get the most out of a Ductless Heat Pump, they must be used correctly and under the right conditions, just like any other technology. Like everything else in the internet era, ductless heat pumps are subject to a plethora of myths that can lead to customer misinformation. Following are five of the most common misunderstandings. 

1. More Expensive

Ductless heat pumps are more energy-efficient and will save up to 5 per cent of your electricity costs every year.

2. Cause of Bacteria distribution

Most pumps are equipped with filters and self-cleaning systems so that bacterias and spores don’t collect.

3. Best suited for new construction

As ductless heat pumps, like any modern heating and cooling system, are more effective in well-insulated new construction, they can still handle climate control and drive efficiencies in existing or older homes.

4. No Longevity

The longevity of any device depends on maintenance and regular checks. If regularly serviced, they too would last like an old Furnace system.

5. Less Efficient

Ductless heat pumps are more energy-efficient and cheaper, generating more heat than the energy consumed. It is not only energy-efficient but also one of the most powerful heaters available.

Therefore, if you are out looking for a new heating device, consider a Ductless Heat Pump in Ottawa, disregarding the misconceptions.

For more details about Loud furnace in Ottawa please visit our website:


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