Saturday 17 June 2017

Best Heating and cooling services in Ottawa

Heating and cooling in Ottawa can be quite an adventure. Winters can be brutally cold, and though summers are usually pretty mild, the city can see heat waves that push the mercury well past 90 degrees for days on end. To cope with the extremes of the seasons, you have to make sure your HVAC system is in top shape.

Change your filter
One simple heating and Cooling Maintenance in Ottawa task you can do yourself is to change your filter. Filters tend to get pretty dirty after a few months of use, and a dirty filter will hamper the efficiency of your HVAC unit. It's a good idea to change it at least a couple times a year, and more often if needed.

Clean your compressor
Another heating and cooling Ottawa bit of maintenance you can do yourself is to clean off your AC compressor, which is the part of the unit located outside. Hosing it off at least a couple of times a year will help to remove dirt and debris that could hamper your AC's operation.

Professional maintenance
Taking care of your heating and cooling in Ottawa wouldn't be complete without having professional maintenance done. It's a good idea to schedule an appointment with an HVAC technician at least once a year to take a look at your system. Professional maintenance will help your system to operate better and more efficiently, and a trained technician can spot minor issues and fix them before they turn into major problems.


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