Sunday, 25 December 2022

All you need to know about a Ductless Split System

What is a Ductless split system?

In simple terms, a Ductless split system is a basic form, including one indoor and one outdoor unit. The units are most connected to the electrical wiring and refrigerant tubing. Furthermore, the indoor unit is attached and well-mounted, delivering cool or hot air directly into the atmosphere of the living space. Further, it does no requires any ductwork to function.

How does the system work?

A Ductless split system works on the same principles as other systems of HVAC. Besides, the procedure may vent air from 1 or 2 venting units, delivering the air to the atmosphere. However, sometimes they may need to have an installment one or two feet away from the wall. It helps in fixing the outlet for a better vent. And you can find a Ductless split system in Ottawa with ease.

Disadvantages and Advantages


Finally, the assembled compressor helps to keep noise pollution down.

It's comparatively tiny.

Easy to install.


The major complication is its price.

Choosing the correct size is complex.

Secondly, the disadvantage is the requirement to hire a professional to install a Ductless split system in Ottawa.


In addition to the advancements in technology, we have seen that having a ductless system helps to distribute the air evenly. As a result, the atmosphere is more comfortable throughout the living space. A ductless system makes air distribution more efficient and even. Lastly, if you want to buy a ductless system, you can search for it in Ottawa.

For more details about Company for Air Conditioner Repair in Ottawa please visit our websites: 

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Everything you need to know about Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems

Why do you need a Heat Recovery ventilation system? Furthermore, if you have a building or an apartment, you will understand the necessity for an air ventilation system. However, a poor ventilation system can prevent fresh air from entering the living space. Further, that can make the air stale, increasing the amount of carbon dioxide. It makes the air build moisture.

How does Heat Recovery Ventilation System work?

It is necessary to have a Heat recovery ventilation system in Ottawa for a centralized elemental recovery. Moreover, the work of an incoming vent is to bring fresh air into the room from outside the building. Further, the warm air goes outside through the roof while exchanging the breezy air opposite, entering the building.

Pros and Cons of the system


As a result, it reduces the carbon footprint.

Further, it helps in lowering energy usage.

The air inside the building is cleaner and healthier.


Moreover, the heat Recovery system needs more space.

A heat recovery system is designed to heat your home, so it cannot cool down.

Types of Ventilation Systems

Heat Recovery Ventilation systems come in various forms that involve heat exchange. And the forms of the system are

1. Thermal wheel heat recovery

2. Plate Recuperator or Heat technology

3. Heat Pumps, Heat pipe technology

4. Closed Loop technology

5. Boiler Flue Economiser

6. And Heat Recovery systems for Industry.


If you live in Ottawa, you will clearly understand the need to invest in an HRV system. Although there are a few cons, you can avoid those workarounds easily. So invest in a Heat Recovery Ventilation System in Ottawa. Nevertheless, pick the best for you.

For more details about Company for Air Conditioner Repair in Ottawa please visit our websites: 

All you need to know about a Ductless Split System

What is a Ductless split system?

In simple terms, a Ductless split system is a basic form, including one indoor and one outdoor unit. The units are

most connected to the electrical wiring and refrigerant tubing. Furthermore, the indoor unit is attached and well

mounted, delivering cool or hot air directly into the atmosphere of the living space. Further, it does no requires

any ductwork to function.

How does the system work?

A Ductless split system works on the same principles as other systems of HVAC. Besides, the procedure may vent

air from 1 or 2 venting units, delivering the air to the atmosphere. However, sometimes they may need to have an

installment one or two feet away from the wall. It helps in fixing the outlet for a better vent. And you can find a

Ductless split system in Ottawa with ease.

Disadvantages and Advantages


Finally, the assembled compressor helps to keep noise pollution down.

It's comparatively tiny.

Easy to install.


The major complication is its price.

Choosing the correct size is complex.

Secondly, the disadvantage is the requirement to hire a professional to install a Ductless split system in Ottawa.


In addition to the advancements in technology, we have seen that having a ductless system helps to distribute the

air evenly. As a result, the atmosphere is more comfortable throughout the living space. A ductless system makes

air distribution more efficient and even. Lastly, if you want to buy a ductless system, you can search for it in


For more details about Company for Air Conditioner Repair in Ottawa please visit

our websites: 

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Everything you need to know about Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems

Why do you need a Heat Recovery ventilation system? Furthermore, if you have a building or an apartment, you will understand the necessity for an air ventilation system. However, a poor ventilation system can prevent fresh air from entering the living space. Further, that can make the air stale, increasing the amount of carbon dioxide. It makes the air build moisture.

How does Heat Recovery Ventilation System work?

It is necessary to have a Heat recovery ventilation system in Ottawa for a centralized elemental recovery.

Moreover, the work of an incoming vent is to bring fresh air into the room from outside the building. Further, the

warm air goes outside through the roof while exchanging the breezy air opposite, entering the building.

Pros and Cons of the system


As a result, it reduces the carbon footprint.

Further, it helps in lowering energy usage.

The air inside the building is cleaner and healthier.


Moreover, the heat Recovery system needs more space.

A heat recovery system is designed to heat your home, so it cannot cool down.

Types of Ventilation Systems

Heat Recovery Ventilation systems come in various forms that involve heat exchange. And the forms of the system are

1. Thermal wheel heat recovery

2. Plate Recuperator or Heat technology

3. Heat Pumps, Heat pipe technology

4. Closed Loop technology

5. Boiler Flue Economiser

6. And Heat Recovery systems for Industry.


If you live in Ottawa, you will clearly understand the need to invest in an HRV system. Although there are a few

cons, you can avoid those workarounds easily. So invest in a Heat Recovery Ventilation System in Ottawa.

Nevertheless, pick the best for you.

For more details about Company for Air Conditioner Repair in Ottawa please visit our 


Floor Heating System- The Warming Trend That's Growing

The warmth of winter is just around the corner, and there are many ways to stay warm during those 

chilly months. One way is by getting a floor heating system, which can provide you with warmth

on a much larger scale.

Why use Floor Heating System?

There are plenty of reasons to choose a Floor heating system in Ottawa. For starters, floor heating is 

an efficient way to heat your home since the heat rises on energy bills by not having to blast the heat as 

high.Additionally, floor heating is a safe option since there are no exposed coils or flames that could 

pose a safety hazard. Finally, many people find that floor heating is more comfortable than other types

of heating since it doesn't dry out the air or circulate dust.


Floor heating system is gaining popularity as a result of their many advantages over traditional heating 


1. Floor heating systems are more efficient than traditional heating systems.

2. Floor heating systems are easier to install.

3. Floor heating system can be used in a variety of settings, including residential, commercial, and 


    industrial settings.

4. Floor heating systems provide a comfortable and evenly distributed heat source that can help 


    improve indoor air quality.

5. Floor heating systems can help reduce energy costs by up to 30% when compared to traditional

    heating sources such as forced air furnaces.


There are many types of floor heating systems available on the market today. Each type has its own 

advantages and disadvantages, Infrared heating is one of the most popular types of floor heating system

in Ottawa due to its efficiency and low cost of operation.

For more details about Company for Ottawa's Indoor Air Quality Experts please visit our


Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Factors you need to know before buying an Air Conditioner

With the beginning of the summer, as May breaks in, the weather reaches up to its scorching heat rays. The start of the season takes a toll on us, and we invest in an air conditioner to improve the air quality around us. However, to buy air conditioner is confusing if you don’t know where to invest. 

Factors to Consider before buying an Air Conditioner

There are plenty of options to choose from if you want to Buy air conditioner in Ottawa.


Here are some factors to take a look on at before buying.


The size of the unit: You need to make sure that the air conditioner you buy is the right size for the


                                      space you want to cool. If it's too small, t won't be effective; if it's too large,


                                         it will be wasteful.

The type of unit: There are two main types of air conditioners - central and portable. Central units

                                 are generally more expensive, but they're also more effective. Portable units can

                                 be moved from room to room, but they're not as powerful.

Energy efficiency: Some air conditioners are more energy-efficient than others. If you're looking to

                                  save money on your energy bill, look for an AC unit with a high Energy Efficiency

                                  Ratio (EER).


There is no rule if you want to buy air conditioner. However, there are several factors that you may put


consideration to buy air conditioner in Ottawa, so that you don’t end up buying Air Conditioner that 

burns a hole in your pocket. So do your homework before purchasing an air conditioner.

For more details about Company for Air Conditioner Repair in Ottawa please visit our 


Monday, 19 December 2022

Checklist to maintain your Furnace annually

Maintaining your furnace is a crucial part of keeping your heating system working efficiently. However, it is easy to maintain the task of cleaning it while replacing the air filters. We all know that all air filters and heating systems have the same level of conditioning system.

When to clean your furnace

If you are thinking of how often you should clean your system. Let me tell you that you need Annual furnace maintenance in Ottawa before the chilly air of winter sets in and the season cools down. Furthermore, without proper cleaning and maintenance, your system may pump carbon monoxide. Or it may wear out quickly and stop working.

Air ZOne

How to clean your furnace?

Cleaning your furnace can be easy if you follow these steps and try them out yourself.

1: Shut down the system before performing your annual furnace maintenance procedure.

2: The combustion chamber needs cleaning as it mixes air with fuel to ignite. Furthermore, it creates heat.

3: Replace the oil filter and change the air filter.

4: Inspect the Flue pipe and check for holes or leaks.

5: Adjust and test the burner efficiency while cleaning the floor vent.


Annual Furnace maintenance is significant for your system to function. However, it can be daunting to do on your own. So invest in a professional for Annual Furnace maintenance in Ottawa. Moreover, it is best to check your furnace and clean it. So that you can have a delightful efficient heating season to run smoothly. 

For more details about Company for Air Conditioner Repair in Ottawa please visit our 



Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Top Benefits Of Ductless Heat Pumps.

Today's technology has added more insulation and more environmentally friendly techniques, tightening up a home's envelope and allowing heating loads to drop much faster than cooling loads.

A Ductless Heat Pump is what we recommend for high-performance homes. The find Ductless Heat Pump in Ottawa can be more closely aligned with the load, ensuring good air mixing for heating conditions.

Ductless heating and cooling systems are designed to provide maximum comfort, control, and efficiency while lowering your heating and cooling costs.

Read on to learn about the numerous advantages of going for a Ductless Heat Pump in Ottawa.

1. They help you save money.

Because they are smaller in size, ductless systems use less power than their counterparts. They keep the temperature where you want it because you can control them individually in each room of your house.

Multi-split systems allow you to zone your home and only heat or cool the rooms you want, drastically lowering your monthly bills.

2. They are simple to set up.

A traditional HVAC system, including ductwork installation or replacement, can take several weeks to install in a home. Because ductless systems do not require moving inside your walls to make improvements, they are simpler and less intrusive to install.

A multi-split system is installed using small pipes that require only a three-inch hole. That means you won't have to worry about knocking down walls or ceilings to make the improvements, or losing square footage in a space where you may already be cramped.


AirZone HVAC has the best range of Ductless Heat Pump that can give you much-needed comfort.

For more details about Best Heating Services in Ottawa please visit our website:

Sunday, 20 November 2022

Take Your Furnace A Level Up and Add A Humidifier

Winter is here, and now we will use our furnace more than ever! The furnace keeps the house warm and toasty and a delight to be in. but there is one thing that can be troubling. 

The indoor air can get dry, which can cause skin irritation, chapped lips, and dry eyes. The best answer to this problem is to get a furnace humidifier. 


A furnace humidifier in Ottawa is the right choice to make to ensure that the humidity levels of the house are maintained, and you can curb all the problems. 


Why should you choose a furnace humidifier? 


The furnace humidifier in Ottawa is attached to the furnace. And it consists of a water source. The indoor air flows through the humidifier and absorbs moisture returning back to the home. 


The furnace, which is connected to a humidifier, will control the home's moisture completely. This will make the air warmer, and your furnace won't have to work too much. All this cannot be achieved with a portable humidifier. 


This can be a great addition to making your house more comfortable. Say no to the itchy throat, dry skin, and bad furniture. Get a humidifier installed now! 


To wrap up, 


Make sure to keep the points as mentioned above in mind. It is always wise to invest in products that can make your life better. Choose a furnace humidifier and make your life comfortable throughout the winter. If you are looking for a reliable company to get one installed, contact Airzone HVAC

For more details about Company for Radiant Heating System in Ottawa please visit our website:

Thursday, 17 November 2022

How Are Ductless Split Systems Better Than Others?

Even though there is a wide range of heating and cooling options available in the market, the popularity of ductless split systems has increased immensely in the last few years. 

If you are considering installing them, too, then we are sure you must be researching the effectiveness and benefits of these systems. Fret not; this blog has got you covered. 

Listed below are the many benefits of a ductless split system –

1- Easy to install 

When it comes to a ductless split system, most of them only require a three-inch hole to fit the conduit, which connects both the indoor and outdoor units. These units can be as far as 50 feet from each other, thereby providing you with the benefit of placing the compressor out of the way.

2- Increased efficiency 

With no ductwork involved, there is no need to create unsightly holes or worry about poor connections. And this is what makes find ductless split system in Ottawa a highly efficient alternative. 

3- Easy to control

Every indoor unit will have its own thermostat. This means you can customize the indoor temperature of different rooms as you desire. For instance, you can turn off the system in the bedroom while the one in the living room is on. 

4- Flexibility 

One of the greatest benefits of a ductless split system is the interior design flexibility. You can either suspend the air handlers from walls and ceilings or even mount them. You can also find floor-standing models – which look high-tech, has a neutral colour and is about seven inches deep. 

To be concluded

Are these benefits enough for you to wrap your head around a ductless split system in Ottawa? We hope so!

You can also speak with the experts at Airzone HVAC to unveil the many details they have to offer about these systems. 

For more details about Company for Heat Pump Maintenance in Ottawa please visit our website: