Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Easy and Effortless Tips at Maintaining Heating System

One of the most crucial appliances one can have, especially in a country like Canada, the longevity of the heating system is important.

In order to maintain your heating in Ottawa, you would have to look into some basic maintenance guidelines. Following these would increase the life of your system exponentially. 

1. Keep the external condensation pipe safe

Keeping the condensation pipe safe is the key to protecting your Ottawa heating safe during winters. The simplest way to do it is to wrap a rag or some old towel around it, to keep it from facing the brunt of a harsh winter. 

2. Turn up the thermostat

You crank up your thermostat settings from the mains, but still you do not feel the heat. You start wondering what went wrong. The answer lies in the thermostat regulator on the actual boiler of the heating in Ottawa. 

You can always notch it down when you feel that you do not need that much heating, and leave the minute fluctuations to the regulator in your room. 

3. Get the system looked into often

Getting your Ottawa heating checked regularly is a wise step towards having it function break-free during cold weathers – when you specially would not want it breaking down. Once in every six months, try getting in touch with your local technician and have them inspect your heating in Ottawa. 

In conclusion

The functioning of your heating in Ottawa is entirely under your control. The way you look after it determines how long it will really last.

For more details about Commercial HVAC Services in Ottawa please visit our website:

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Some Basic HVAC Maintenance Tips

HVAC systems are very likely to breakdown if you do not maintain them properly. Considering the complexity of the system, they can seem hard to maintain, but not really.

Today, we run you through some basic HVAC maintenance tips that can help your systems last you long.

1. Check the air filters at least once a month

Air filters are mostly overlooked, and that is usually where the problem lies. Air filters are integral to the smooth functioning of Heating and Air Conditioning in Ottawa. Cleaning them at least once a month is needed. 

2. Schedule seasonal maintenance

Your heating and air conditioning Ottawa goes bears the brunt of seasonal change, year after year. It takes a heavy toll on your system, and hence scheduling a seasonal maintenance is a must for its longevity. 

3. Clean the evaporator and the condenser coils

The condenser coil and the evaporator are essential aspects of your heating and air conditioning in Ottawa. Reports from the US Department of Energy suggest that a dirty condenser coil can increase energy consumption by a staggering 30%. 

4. More the air flow, the better

Cleaning the air vents makes your heating and air conditioning in Ottawa work just fine. Allowing it maximum air flow would optimize your system’s functionality and lead to lesser energy consumption.

Closing with this

Regular maintenance is the only sure-fire way of increasing the life of every appliance we hold dear. In order to minimize the repairs on your heating and air conditioning in Ottawa follow these easy maintenance tips.

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